Socialism…or Capitalism…Which do you Prefer?


So…are you against Socialism?  Big, Bad Socialism. With a capital “S”.  Really?  Or are you a Capitalist? The best economic invention on Earth?  Well, I thought I ‘d present a few pros and cons of the different systems. This was originally written to a specific individual, so if you see references to  one person, that is the reason.

I’d appreciate your comments one way or the other…..

Believe it or not,our government has implemented  “socialist” policies—policies like
the institution of a minimum wage, Medicare, and a progressive tax structure,
to name a few examples. These policies have no doubt alleviated, and in many
cases eliminated some of the hardships of living under the poverty level for
many, many Americans. And, up until recently, these measures were seen as a
benefit overall to society.   Yes—a BENEFIT….
Even though you continually point to your “facts” that socialism is a failed
system, how do you explain the socialist states of Sweden, Denmark, Norway and
Finland?  Let’s be honest here, there really
are no ideologically pure socialist states, just like there are no pure
capitalist states– and the socialist ones that are– sure as heck  don’t cherish capitalism as a God-given right
like we do.  But, do not  believe me; check, the “facts”… in the list of
the world’s best countries, these Scandinavian “states “always rank at the very
top. How can you discredit socialism as leading to inevitable destitution,
deficit and demise, when these modern states have successfully implemented many
aspects of this much looked down upon- system. Capitalism, on the other hand,
or what we really have in America—a Corporatocracy, (a
system of government that serves the interest of, and may be run by,
corporations and involves ties between government and business. Where
corporations, conglomerates, and/or government entities with private
components, control the direction and governance of a country, including
carrying out economic planning notwithstanding the ‘free market’ label.)—
is the law of the land. Capitalism originally existed to award those who worked
hard to escape a social class that prevented movement—including personal,
social, and financial growth. Recently, from my vantage point, the Capitalists
have taken the opportunities that were meant for those who truly needed them
and twisted them to further their own self-aggrandizement.

You now seem to believe that it is no longer beneficial– in
fact harmful–to assist those who have no control of their own financial
standing.  This has caused the American
people (you), to return to an era when Social Darwinism marked people as either
those fit to succeed in society—and those who were not—based on their social
station and financial assets. Your mistaken view that we should not have to
cater to the poor just because they are poor (and therefore unfit) has lead to
the polarization of the American population into the obscenely wealthy and the

If America were to remove all vestiges of socialism from its
society, as you seem to promote, here is what would happen.  Let us see if you really do not believe in
socialism, as you say.

Police Departments

Fire Departments

Roads, Highways & Bridges


Public Transportation

Utilities, like Electricity & Water

Education for everyone

Healthcare & Hospitals

Public Defense (Military)


Environmental Protection

Publicly funded sports facilities

Social Security retirement benefits


Child Care

Subsidies to Farmers & other businesses

Aid to foreign nations

Knowledge & exploration of space & science in

My belief, and the reason I defend this type of government,
is that it is a system of government, where all come together to provide for
our general welfare & to insure domestic tranquility.  Those last words come from our Constitution.
Yes, surprising as it may be to you, our founding fathers wanted a
society that served “all the people within the society”, not just a few at
the top.

Ok—then what makes Capitalism so great?   Well, there are at least 3 things to say
about Capitalism that it does do well.

1. It does generate
competition. There is a fluctuating cycle, by way of performance—that a company
can build a near-monopoly position for itself. This position is inevitably followed
by erosion, break-up, and a renewal of competition again. All bad things aside,
competition does in many cases, gives us choices, and to a point, incentivizes
providers. It is the best way we have figured out so far of matching supply and

2. Interest. Despite your
constant objections to it, the fact that interest is paid on loans is, for the
most part a good thing. It allows earlier purchases of goods and services–
with payments spread over time, and with it increases in productivity and standard
of living. As I—for example, not being a slave sold in the market, a black mark
if there ever was one on American history  (I might say we are returning to that however)
I can figure out what I am worth in cash terms, just as if I were a car or a computer
or a piece of machinery.

3. How this applies to human labor.  Maybe you have forgotten that before
capitalism became “Capitalism”, most workers were serfs or slaves. Serfdom died
as capitalism developed as an institution. Capitalism set these indentured
servants free. In the present day however, many so –called “free” workers—who are
desperate for employment –might welcome the security of servitude, where at
least they are provided shelter and a meal. Here is where your hatred of those “lazy,
welfare cheats” you so often refer to appear. History does show that the
ability to move from place to place and job to job has been a huge factor in
raising the standard of living of the lowest classes.  As you can also see, our current situation
impedes social mobility—and consequently decreases standards of living. SURPRISE—-Capitalism
made trade unions possible.  Why?  Because they are monopolist and capitalist,
institutions that attempt to corner the supply of labor and raise its price. Unions
however, depend on the freedom of the individual worker for their
effectiveness. Take away worker freedoms…and you destroy unions. Now you may
see why the Corporatists are so intent on breaking the unions.  To put it another way….modern “ serfs”—
cannot be unionized.

After all this
discussion—I guess I can’t really say that capitalism is ‘so great’ – all I
can say is it is at best the least imperfect type of system we have come up

Capitalism is not heaven – but if I find a better system—I’ll
go for it!

About Stuart

Previously I was a Business Operations professional working for various companies for the past 30 yeas or so. I have always had a keen interest in history, philosophy, spirituality and religion. This is my first blog/website attempt, and contains information I have gleaned from the many presentations, articles, business literature and presentations, books, magazines and personal conversations I have been exposed to on those many many subjects. With a renewed commitment to writing as a serious career, my goal is in getting my work published and recognized by a wider audience. You can leave comments at my website at or e-mail me at
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